Thursday, June 6, 2013

How to Eat Right, Exercise and Get Sleep When You Work Late

Night shift is not only brutal on an individual’s sleep schedule, but also on their eating habits. Working late or doing an overnighter completely changes an individual’s normal routine, and has them on a schedule that to most people is foreign. Though they have to live by a unique schedule, individuals that work nights can still live a healthy lifestyle.

On night shift it is easy to grab snacks at the vending machine or bring a frozen meal, but individuals should choose to pack their own dinner with fresh food. Packaged food is filled with chemicals and is more of a science lab experiment than real food. Individuals should change up the dinners they bring and choose new healthy recipes to try for variety.  Variety can help you to avoid temptation. There are plenty of easy recipes you can find for free online to whip up that are made with fresh, healthy ingredients. Fresh foods will leave you feeling satisfied and provide you with the energy required for your responsibilities during their night shift.

Being on night shift leaves many individuals tempted to grab an energy drink or coffee. The spike in caffeine or sugar will give them a sudden burst of energy that results in a rapid crash. This will leave the individual feeling sluggish and tired again quickly. Instead of relying on caffeine and sugar for a pickup, individuals should opt to eat healthy foods that provide slow-released energy. Some great replacements for these caffeine beverages are berries, citrus fruit and avocado. These foods won’t cause you to crash during your shift.

Night shift messes with an individual’s sleep schedule and often leaves them with getting little sleep between shifts. Most individuals return home to a family that is just waking up, and they are expected to try to sleep with a busy household. Aside from members of the family being awake, an individual may deal with the bedroom not being dark enough from the sun. Individuals who work the night shift should invest in blackout curtains and an eye mask to ensure they get a sound sleep during the day. Sleep plays a vital role in an individual’s health, and it is important they receive the proper amount of sleep between their shifts.

Being on a different schedule does not give an individual an excuse not to exercise. It is important that they fit in 30 minutes of exercise daily. By not exercising and having a lack of sleep, an individual will quickly notice weight gain and their overall health being jeopardized. If an individual does not have time to go to the gym, they should opt to workout outside or purchase workout DVDs. Many workout videos will provide a full-body workout in 30 minutes. Exercise will keep a person’s body and mind healthy, and help them maintain healthy habits.

A person can still lead a healthy lifestyle while working nightshift. It is important they keep up their healthy habits, and that they not let the late shift be an excuse to live an unhealthy lifestyle.

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