Friday, June 14, 2013

Weight Training for Golfers Is The Missing Link To A Great Game

Weight training for golfers may sound exhausting to you and even an oxymoron, but I can tell you it’s not a secret anymore. Weight training for golfers is a must if you want to achieve your highest level of golf performance.

You don’t need to fear it! Embrace it and realize you will not only play your best golf…you will feel better than you have in years! I receive dozens of emails everyday from golfers who were skeptical, but gave it a shot and their results are amazing!

Worst case scenario for some of them is better health. The time you spend working on your golf swing technique is critical to your success. Some of these golfers embarked on one of my weight training for golfers programs and didn’t put any time on the range.

The result for just a small percent of them was more energy, less aches and pains, and a dramatic drop in bodyweight. Needless to say they were still more than thrilled they did it.

But for the majority of these golfers I hear from have results that have evened amazed me. Increases of up to 50 yards on their drives! Slashing their handicaps by up to 8 strokes! And even winning their Club Championships!

These are very exciting emails to receive…and it’s proof that weight training for golfers DOES work! I can say with every fiber in my body, that if you improve your body’s ability to move from both a strength and flexibility standpoint, it is virtually impossible to not see improvement in your golf swing and game.

Don’t you think if you could make just a little bigger backswing you would hit it further? Or, if your lower back muscles were a tad bit stronger, you wouldn’t walk off the course with an aching back? I know you’ll agree with me.

Weight training for golfers is not going into a gym and plopping down on a machine. This does nothing for your golf game! Golf is played “on your feet”, and in a very dynamic position (golf posture), that requires a unique set of muscular strength, endurance and flexibility.

The right program is one that involves balance and coordination exercises, along with sequence of motion movements with resistance. This resistance can be as simple as exercise tubing, hand weights, or even weighted medicine balls.

Just take a look at the demands the golf swing puts on your body and you’ll soon realize your weight training for golfers program needs to be dynamic. One that incorporates movements similar to your golf swing in both body positions and movement patterns.

Seek out a qualified golf trainer who has a proven track record with golfers. One of the most affordable ways is to search for golf fitness, golf training or even golf exercises.

Remember if you use google, which is maybe how you found this article, the first few colored results at the very top are “paid advertisements”. The ones with the white background are the organic or real search results.

There are many choices out there. Just do your research and you’ll be on your way to starting your weight training for golfers program.

Weight Training

For those that would like a more vigorous workout plan, weight training is a viable option that can combine building muscle tone and working the cardiovascular system. Weight training tones your muscles and raises your metabolism, which helps your body burn more calories not only when exercising, but also while you sleep. Weight training reverses the natural decline in your metabolism, which begins around age 30; therefore this is something to think about for all those who have reached that age. Working with weights can produce a great deal of energy, and a full workout works almost all of the 650 muscles in your body. Looking toward long-term benefits, weight training strengthens bones, which can reduce your risk of developing osteoporosis. This of course is of very big concern amongst women, since osteoporosis afflicts women much more than men.

Many women worry that weight training will make them muscular and bulky like a mans; yet you must keep in mind that men and women have different muscular structures, therefore weight training will not develop big muscles on women, just toned muscles. Not only is weight training a routine that makes you strong, it is a routine that trains the body to build muscle instead of fat, takes stress off key areas of the body such as the lower back, making you less prone to injury in that area. Since high blood pressure or hypertension is a big concern with those who are obese, it is welcome news that weight training decreases your resting blood pressure. Weight training has also been proven to increase your blood level of HDL cholesterol, which is commonly referred to as good cholesterol. Overall health is definitely improved through weight training.

It is best to start with a plan, which may be joining a gym where you can regularly go to get a full workout, or purchasing a home workout system that uses resistance instead of weights but produces similar results. You must assess what type of person you are, and make the appropriate decision from there. If you like the idea of going out somewhere daily for your workout, welcoming the change of scenery and benefiting from the comradery of others who are also training, then you may want to opt for a gym membership. However, if you know you are the type that enjoys working alone and will not work out unless its in the convenience of your home where you do not have to get dressed and go out, then the home gym system option is for you. Only you can make this assessment of yourself. Some popular home gym systems include CrossBarTM and BowFlexTM. Many quality home workout systems exist, but of course none work when not used, so be sure that you remain focused and dedicated to your plan.

Whatever exercise plan you choose, it is best to exercise first thing in the morning, every morning. Our bodies were made to be active daily, and when exercise is performed in the morning, people are more successful at exercising consistently. Make your exercise as enjoyable as possible. Consider utilizing music, a book on tape, or watching television during your workout, depending on the type and location of your workout. If you're a walker for example, you may want to get a good CD player to listen to music or books on tape. If you're exercising inside, you may want to setup a television set or a stereo so that you can watch or listen while exercising. Whatever you do, make your exercise experience one you look forward to each day.

Weight Loss With The Help Of Green Tea

Weight Loss - Green Tea Benefit

Over the past few years, green tea and its connection with weight loss has long been the center of various clinical studies. Positive effects of green tea on weight loss have been discovered in recent years.

Studies show that the relation between green tea and weight loss are substantially linked together through the plant’s thermogenic properties. Thermogenesis is the process by which the body produces heat by speeding up metabolism, burning calories, and breaking down fat. Certain substances in green tea are believed to help in the body’s thermogenesis, thus contributing to weight loss.

Weight Loss in Other Herbs

Other than green tea, there are other natural herbs that contribute to weight loss. Gugulipid for instance has been shown to augment the metabolic rate of the body and help with thermogenesis, thus leading to weight loss. Gugulipid has also been reported as a catalyst for lowering down cholesterol levels.

Another herb that aids in weight loss is Maitaki. Derived from a Japanese plant, Maitaki helps promote weight loss by targeting the liver, which is a major digestive part of the body.

Maximizing Weight Loss Benefits in Green Tea

A standardized weight loss herbal extract of pure green tea is needed in order to maximize the weight loss benefits of green tea. The market offers several green tea weight loss products that do not use standardized extract. These non-standardized green tea weight loss products are cheaper but do not contain enough active green tea substances to have any significant weight loss benefits.

Scientists and traditional herbalists believe that better weight loss results are achieved when green tea is used in conjunction with other weight loss herbs and with other nutrients. So before buying a green tea weight loss product, it is advisable that you choose a product that contains a rich blend of green tea herbs, minerals and nutrient that aid in weight loss.

Green tea when combined with ginger and olive leaf helps lower cholesterol and promotes weight loss. Green tea helps stop blood vessel constriction while CoQ 10 protects the heart and ensure blood pressure levels. By mixing green tea with CoQ 10, you will not only achieve maximum weight loss but you will also be able maintain the health of several body systems at one time.

The Ideal Green Tea Weight Loss Product

The first thing to make sure of when buying green tea products is to see if the manufacturer of the green tea extract follows strict GMP compliance, the manufacturing standard used throughout the world. Having GMP approval in green tea products assures you that you are getting a product of the highest quality.

Under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994, herbal products such as green tea are considered dietary supplements. This means that the success or effectiveness of these products do not have any guarantees. Companies or manufacturers that claim 100% success in their green tea products are doing false advertising and should not be patronized.

For assurance that you’re getting your money’s worth when you buy a green tea product, find a product that is using standardized green tea extract. Look for strict GMP compliance and make sure that the manufacturer of the green tea product has all the proper credentials in product formulation.

Stop Exercising And Start Playing

Have you ever berated yourself because you didn’t exercise yet again today? Have you felt that creeping guilt in the back of your mind when you climb into bed knowing you didn’t follow through on your workout plan?

Well, it’s possible that you are not at fault. You may just be acting like a normal human being.

Take a moment to imagine how it feels to be…
1) In a hot, sweaty gym full of people who are grunting through their routines, sweating all over the equipment, and strutting their bodies around in front of the mirrors.
2) Rounding a curve in the trail with a light breeze gently caressing your skin in the soft evening air.

How about the difference between…
1) Running around an oval track gasping for air and feeling your lungs burning.
2) Racing up and down a soccer field fully challenged by the game and having a blast with your friends.

It’s not difficult to decide which choices would be more enjoyable to most people. Our culture has taught us to suffer as we exercise. “No pain, no gain” has been the mantra for years.

The only problem is that for most people, “pain” is not a daily choice we’re willing to make. The natural human tendency is to do things that are fun, things that feel good. Forcing ourselves to do miserable exercise routines goes directly against our own nature.

An easy way out of that trap is to play more. Find ways of moving the body that are wildly fun or rewarding to the soul.

Dance around your house. Take a nature walk. Fly a kite. Go to the park with the kids and play some tetherball.

Make the choice to move every day because it’s fun and feels great. Choose to move because it make you feel healthy and strong and vibrant. You’ll find you’re getting a lot more “exercise” without even thinking about it in that way.

Life is meant to be an enjoyable journey not an endless round of suffering. Choose to have more joy and you’ll feel the difference in your body and in your spirit.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Weight Loss through Foods that Fight Fat

Some foods can magically melt pounds, and that train of thought has been around for a long time. While exercise and a variety of wholesome foods help will help you lose weight, there are foods that burn calories and suppress hunger. Listed below are a variety of foods that will help speed your metabolism and therefore burn fat.

Foods such as raw spinach contain bulk. Therefore, the space they leave in your stomach - partly because of their high water content -leaves less room for pastries and ice cream. They are also jammed with iron, foliate, calcium and vitamins A., B, C, and E that helps you to lose weight.

Grape fruits help you lose weight fast. They are not magic, but they are powerful fat fighters due to their fiber content. In addition, without added sugar, a grapefruit has fewer calories than an orange of the same weight.

Apples keep the doctors away and fat. Eating several apples a day is a great way to lose weight. Hard fruits like apples take time to chew and fill you up.

You burn more calories chewing and digesting celery than it actually contains. Celery has vitamins E and C. It is a diet food that also helps you lose weight and should be on everyone's plate.

Protein packed legumes such as black beans, chickpeas, lentils are not just low in fat and rich in soluble fiber, they digest slowly and keep blood sugar levels steady. You will not feel like eating for a while.

Calcium rich foods and drink such as low fat milk can boost metabolism. It has been found that women and girls who consume dairy products regularly tend to lose weight easily and have less body fat than those who do not.

The omega-3 in fatty fish, such as mackerel can curb overeating. The protein mixed with the fat in fish is also known to curb your eating.

You can eat all the strawberries you want and can never gain a pound. Strawberries, peaches, plums, and grapes come with cancer fighting carotenoids and appetite-suppressing fiber. Eating these types of fruits daily will help you lose weight fast.

Above are just some examples of foods that burn fat. Disciplining yourself to eat a proper diet and the right exercise program will help you reach your idea weight in no time.

Weight Loss Tip #1: Why Most Fail and Only a Few Succeed at Being Fit

In the age of information, many of the principles of health and fitness have become all but common knowledge.

Nevertheless, there still is a very clear divide between those people who become successful and losing weight and/or staying fit and those who do not.

Why is that? And what can you do to improve your chances of being in the successful minority as opposed to the unsuccessful majority?

When it comes to the world of weight loss and being fit, there are generally two areas that help to determine what you can expect for your efforts.

1)Genetic Factors
2)Psychological Factors

Most of the information out there is geared around the Genetic factors and how to compensate for any natural shortcomings with a certain amount of physical activity and dieting.

One of the most popular topics along the lines of genetics is that of Body Type.

Anatomical body type is generally broken down into 3 basic groups: Ectomorphic, Mesomorphic, and Endomorphic.

Ectomorphic types are characterized as people with thin, up and down body frames who have the easiesttime keeping their weight under control. Basketball players and runway models will often fit into this category.

Mesomorphic body types are characterized as people with athletic frames and generally muscular, well-proportioned bodies. Bodybuilders and dancers will often fit in here.

Endomorphic body types tend to be generally round figures and will often have the most trouble in keeping unwanted weight off of their bodies.

Most of us are combinations of two or more of these types with one being more dominant than the others.

One important note about these anatomical types is that while they may give some insight to how you look on the outside, they can deceive us as to how healthy you are internally. Many people who may be "thin" are literally decaying inside due to bad habits (poor diet, smoking, lack of exercise).

By contrast, there are many people who are not stereotypically thin, but are pictures of healthy due to healthy lifestyles (proper nutrition, physical activity).

The general role of knowing your body type is to get an explanation of how your body will tend to respond to your diet and lifestyle in terms of how easy or challenging it may be for you to "hold it together" in certain areas. Another way of classifying your body is by which of your hormone-producing glands dominates the way you process nutrients in the food you eat.

These Glandular ("metabolic") types will fall into one of 4 categories: Adrenal, Thyroidal, Pituitary, or Gonadal. The explanation of each is very similar to that of the anatomical body types above. The adrenal type tends to correspond with the mesomorphic anatomical type. The thyroidal is similar to the ectomorphic, and the pituitary to the endomorphic.

The gonadal type is a women-only classification that is a hybrid of being slender on the top but somewhat larger below the waist with a greater amount of body fat. The gonadal body type among women is more commonly referred to as being "pear shaped".

There is a third type of body classification that you may come across that originated in Ancient India. It has to do with "Doshas" - how the energy fields of the earth and your physical mass interact to influence how you feel.

This is not directly related to the physical aspect of weight loss but tends to give you an idea on how what psychological advantages or challenges you may have when it comes to getting and staying fit.

This brings me to a major point of clarity in this article:

As valuable as all of the body type information may be to learning your body, it is not the "end all" that it is often marketed to be.

You are neither "guaranteed" to look and feel great nor "doomed" to be overweight and unhealthy simply based on your genetics and body classification. Body types should only be used to give you insight on what advantages or challenges that you may have in your quest for life-long fitness---not a life or death sentence that limits what you can achieve.

In reality, the Psychological factors related to how you look and feel are really where the rubber meets the road in weight loss and staying healthy and fit.

It is here that you will find the tools to overcome whatever physical challenges that you are faced with. Therefore, it is here where you absolutely focus the MAJORITY of your energy if you are become and stay successful with your health and fitness goals.

One thing that many people do not consider is how the knowledge of their "body type" and what that means affects their psychological outlook in the first place.

Many "fit" people who look great because they eat right and exercise do so because they already believe that they've "got something" that is valuable and maintained. Therefore, their healthy lifestyle is just a matter of course.

The importance of the effect that your outlook on your results cannot be ignored. To put it plainly, your outLOOK directly affects your outPUT.

If you don't happen to be one of those people who seem to "naturally" have it together when it comes to your body (or you have been before but have since lost the "magic"), then what you will need to do is simply tap into the strength of your own psyche to push you toward success.

There are 5 Key Steps that you need to follow in order to take advantage of your own reservoirs of power, drive, and confidence.

  1. Self Acceptance

    In order for ANY of this to work, you will want to either have or develop of certain level of self acceptance for your body and all of its great points as well as its weaknesses.

    This doesn't mean that you have to be satisfied with yourself when you may be out of shape. What is DOES mean, however, is that you have to be "ok" with having YOUR "best body"---not someone else's.

  2. Find the Keys to Your Own Motivation

    Different things work for different people. While there may be 4 or 5 body types, there are even more different personality types. You may want to try several different types of motivational tools to see which one you respond to best for the results you want. Here are a few ideas of things to try:

    • Having a workout/diet buddy (or buddies)
    • Motivational books and tapes
    • Imagining how you will look and feel when you reach YOUR personal best
    • Thinking of the quality of life benefits of being healthy and fit

    And there are tons more.

  3. Setting Attainable Goals after You've Gotten #1 and #2 Firmly Under Your Belt

    Most people try to simply pull random goals out of the sky. This can often lead to first failure then disappointment when issues with self acceptance are combined with a lack of understanding what motivates you.

  4. Drown Yourself in Those Things that Motivate You

    Once you've figured out what works for you, DROWN yourself in it! If it works, then work IT. Take full advantage of the #1 factor in successfully achieving weight loss and maintaining physical fitness.

  5. Maintain Your Progress by Making Fitness a Lifestyle

    As many of you know by now, I am NOT a fan of traditional diets. They simply do not work. More than anything else, it is your day-to-day lifestyle that will determine what results you get, and your psychological outlook is what either drives you to or pulls you away from the activities that form that lifestyle.

There is simply no reason on earth that you cannot be one of the "Successful" people when it comes to weight loss and fitness.

Educate yourself on your body's strengths and weaknesses, then develop a winning attitude by provided your psyche with effective motivation that it will respond to. That's the hardest part. And its very doable with the right information and coaching, which is why I came up with the YourBestBodyNOW web site and weight loss program for people just like you. The rest, as they say, is will be a cinch.

To YourBestBody,

Lawrence Cole

Your Lifestyle and Fitness Coach

See this Weight Loss Article at

Weight Loss Tips - Choosing The Best For You

How do you know which weight loss tips are going to be effective for your body type? Everyone has their own ideas when it comes to weight loss and dieting. Dieting tips such as portioning what you eat, not eating late at night, carb counting and more. All of these tips are good ideas, but some may work differently on different people. Some people have a high metabolism and some have low ones. Diets should be chosen based on personal needs and certain circumstances might be present to send you away from one diet to another.

How do you know where to begin? There are many different ways to lose weight. Weight loss programs are one of the most used ways. The first one that comes to mind is LA Weight loss. Programs such as these combine dieting and exercise with motivation from professional trainers. Jenny Craig is another popular weight loss program, which allows you starter food and teaches you better ways to eat, along with ways to manage your cravings and other problems of dieting.

For those that need third party involvement to help lose weight, the weight loss tips and structure provided by weight loss programs seems to work well. Many of these programs include evaluation of metabolism, activity and personality types to assure you’re on the right track. There are several weight loss programs available, so do your research before you begin.

Another popular method is weight loss supplements use to help boost energy and curb cravings. There are many different kinds of weight loss supplements for all kinds of people. Be sure to talk to your doctor before you start to take weight loss supplements. Some contain products that can be dangerous in combination with other medicines, and some may have a negative affect on people with certain health problems.

Picking a diet and having a plan is very important. Whatever diet you choose first think about your goals and what you may or may not be willing to give up when eating. Also, consider how much time each day for exercise you will set aside, and how much money you are willing to spend on foods to accommodate your diet and whether or not you’ll be using a gym.

Keep in mind there will be work involved and going out of your comfort zone is required in most cases. Commitment is a very important key to reaching your goals and success. Perhaps the best weight loss tips you can keep in mind are these: 1) You must burn more calories than you consume in order to lose weight, 2) Making a commitment to healthy eating and regular exercise is the best thing you can do for your health and to maintain the weight loss once you’ve taken off the pounds. 3) Making lifestyle changes that are often required in order to lose weight aren’t easy, especially in the beginning, but once you see the results you won’t ever want to go back to your old habits.

When looking for more weight loss tips make sure they include healthy eating, exercise, food preparation, and support plans. Everyone needs a good support system to keep it together and stay on track to reach your goals.

Good luck, you can do it!