Friday, June 14, 2013

Weight Training for Golfers Is The Missing Link To A Great Game

Weight training for golfers may sound exhausting to you and even an oxymoron, but I can tell you it’s not a secret anymore. Weight training for golfers is a must if you want to achieve your highest level of golf performance.

You don’t need to fear it! Embrace it and realize you will not only play your best golf…you will feel better than you have in years! I receive dozens of emails everyday from golfers who were skeptical, but gave it a shot and their results are amazing!

Worst case scenario for some of them is better health. The time you spend working on your golf swing technique is critical to your success. Some of these golfers embarked on one of my weight training for golfers programs and didn’t put any time on the range.

The result for just a small percent of them was more energy, less aches and pains, and a dramatic drop in bodyweight. Needless to say they were still more than thrilled they did it.

But for the majority of these golfers I hear from have results that have evened amazed me. Increases of up to 50 yards on their drives! Slashing their handicaps by up to 8 strokes! And even winning their Club Championships!

These are very exciting emails to receive…and it’s proof that weight training for golfers DOES work! I can say with every fiber in my body, that if you improve your body’s ability to move from both a strength and flexibility standpoint, it is virtually impossible to not see improvement in your golf swing and game.

Don’t you think if you could make just a little bigger backswing you would hit it further? Or, if your lower back muscles were a tad bit stronger, you wouldn’t walk off the course with an aching back? I know you’ll agree with me.

Weight training for golfers is not going into a gym and plopping down on a machine. This does nothing for your golf game! Golf is played “on your feet”, and in a very dynamic position (golf posture), that requires a unique set of muscular strength, endurance and flexibility.

The right program is one that involves balance and coordination exercises, along with sequence of motion movements with resistance. This resistance can be as simple as exercise tubing, hand weights, or even weighted medicine balls.

Just take a look at the demands the golf swing puts on your body and you’ll soon realize your weight training for golfers program needs to be dynamic. One that incorporates movements similar to your golf swing in both body positions and movement patterns.

Seek out a qualified golf trainer who has a proven track record with golfers. One of the most affordable ways is to search for golf fitness, golf training or even golf exercises.

Remember if you use google, which is maybe how you found this article, the first few colored results at the very top are “paid advertisements”. The ones with the white background are the organic or real search results.

There are many choices out there. Just do your research and you’ll be on your way to starting your weight training for golfers program.

Weight Training

For those that would like a more vigorous workout plan, weight training is a viable option that can combine building muscle tone and working the cardiovascular system. Weight training tones your muscles and raises your metabolism, which helps your body burn more calories not only when exercising, but also while you sleep. Weight training reverses the natural decline in your metabolism, which begins around age 30; therefore this is something to think about for all those who have reached that age. Working with weights can produce a great deal of energy, and a full workout works almost all of the 650 muscles in your body. Looking toward long-term benefits, weight training strengthens bones, which can reduce your risk of developing osteoporosis. This of course is of very big concern amongst women, since osteoporosis afflicts women much more than men.

Many women worry that weight training will make them muscular and bulky like a mans; yet you must keep in mind that men and women have different muscular structures, therefore weight training will not develop big muscles on women, just toned muscles. Not only is weight training a routine that makes you strong, it is a routine that trains the body to build muscle instead of fat, takes stress off key areas of the body such as the lower back, making you less prone to injury in that area. Since high blood pressure or hypertension is a big concern with those who are obese, it is welcome news that weight training decreases your resting blood pressure. Weight training has also been proven to increase your blood level of HDL cholesterol, which is commonly referred to as good cholesterol. Overall health is definitely improved through weight training.

It is best to start with a plan, which may be joining a gym where you can regularly go to get a full workout, or purchasing a home workout system that uses resistance instead of weights but produces similar results. You must assess what type of person you are, and make the appropriate decision from there. If you like the idea of going out somewhere daily for your workout, welcoming the change of scenery and benefiting from the comradery of others who are also training, then you may want to opt for a gym membership. However, if you know you are the type that enjoys working alone and will not work out unless its in the convenience of your home where you do not have to get dressed and go out, then the home gym system option is for you. Only you can make this assessment of yourself. Some popular home gym systems include CrossBarTM and BowFlexTM. Many quality home workout systems exist, but of course none work when not used, so be sure that you remain focused and dedicated to your plan.

Whatever exercise plan you choose, it is best to exercise first thing in the morning, every morning. Our bodies were made to be active daily, and when exercise is performed in the morning, people are more successful at exercising consistently. Make your exercise as enjoyable as possible. Consider utilizing music, a book on tape, or watching television during your workout, depending on the type and location of your workout. If you're a walker for example, you may want to get a good CD player to listen to music or books on tape. If you're exercising inside, you may want to setup a television set or a stereo so that you can watch or listen while exercising. Whatever you do, make your exercise experience one you look forward to each day.

Weight Loss With The Help Of Green Tea

Weight Loss - Green Tea Benefit

Over the past few years, green tea and its connection with weight loss has long been the center of various clinical studies. Positive effects of green tea on weight loss have been discovered in recent years.

Studies show that the relation between green tea and weight loss are substantially linked together through the plant’s thermogenic properties. Thermogenesis is the process by which the body produces heat by speeding up metabolism, burning calories, and breaking down fat. Certain substances in green tea are believed to help in the body’s thermogenesis, thus contributing to weight loss.

Weight Loss in Other Herbs

Other than green tea, there are other natural herbs that contribute to weight loss. Gugulipid for instance has been shown to augment the metabolic rate of the body and help with thermogenesis, thus leading to weight loss. Gugulipid has also been reported as a catalyst for lowering down cholesterol levels.

Another herb that aids in weight loss is Maitaki. Derived from a Japanese plant, Maitaki helps promote weight loss by targeting the liver, which is a major digestive part of the body.

Maximizing Weight Loss Benefits in Green Tea

A standardized weight loss herbal extract of pure green tea is needed in order to maximize the weight loss benefits of green tea. The market offers several green tea weight loss products that do not use standardized extract. These non-standardized green tea weight loss products are cheaper but do not contain enough active green tea substances to have any significant weight loss benefits.

Scientists and traditional herbalists believe that better weight loss results are achieved when green tea is used in conjunction with other weight loss herbs and with other nutrients. So before buying a green tea weight loss product, it is advisable that you choose a product that contains a rich blend of green tea herbs, minerals and nutrient that aid in weight loss.

Green tea when combined with ginger and olive leaf helps lower cholesterol and promotes weight loss. Green tea helps stop blood vessel constriction while CoQ 10 protects the heart and ensure blood pressure levels. By mixing green tea with CoQ 10, you will not only achieve maximum weight loss but you will also be able maintain the health of several body systems at one time.

The Ideal Green Tea Weight Loss Product

The first thing to make sure of when buying green tea products is to see if the manufacturer of the green tea extract follows strict GMP compliance, the manufacturing standard used throughout the world. Having GMP approval in green tea products assures you that you are getting a product of the highest quality.

Under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994, herbal products such as green tea are considered dietary supplements. This means that the success or effectiveness of these products do not have any guarantees. Companies or manufacturers that claim 100% success in their green tea products are doing false advertising and should not be patronized.

For assurance that you’re getting your money’s worth when you buy a green tea product, find a product that is using standardized green tea extract. Look for strict GMP compliance and make sure that the manufacturer of the green tea product has all the proper credentials in product formulation.

Stop Exercising And Start Playing

Have you ever berated yourself because you didn’t exercise yet again today? Have you felt that creeping guilt in the back of your mind when you climb into bed knowing you didn’t follow through on your workout plan?

Well, it’s possible that you are not at fault. You may just be acting like a normal human being.

Take a moment to imagine how it feels to be…
1) In a hot, sweaty gym full of people who are grunting through their routines, sweating all over the equipment, and strutting their bodies around in front of the mirrors.
2) Rounding a curve in the trail with a light breeze gently caressing your skin in the soft evening air.

How about the difference between…
1) Running around an oval track gasping for air and feeling your lungs burning.
2) Racing up and down a soccer field fully challenged by the game and having a blast with your friends.

It’s not difficult to decide which choices would be more enjoyable to most people. Our culture has taught us to suffer as we exercise. “No pain, no gain” has been the mantra for years.

The only problem is that for most people, “pain” is not a daily choice we’re willing to make. The natural human tendency is to do things that are fun, things that feel good. Forcing ourselves to do miserable exercise routines goes directly against our own nature.

An easy way out of that trap is to play more. Find ways of moving the body that are wildly fun or rewarding to the soul.

Dance around your house. Take a nature walk. Fly a kite. Go to the park with the kids and play some tetherball.

Make the choice to move every day because it’s fun and feels great. Choose to move because it make you feel healthy and strong and vibrant. You’ll find you’re getting a lot more “exercise” without even thinking about it in that way.

Life is meant to be an enjoyable journey not an endless round of suffering. Choose to have more joy and you’ll feel the difference in your body and in your spirit.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Weight Loss through Foods that Fight Fat

Some foods can magically melt pounds, and that train of thought has been around for a long time. While exercise and a variety of wholesome foods help will help you lose weight, there are foods that burn calories and suppress hunger. Listed below are a variety of foods that will help speed your metabolism and therefore burn fat.

Foods such as raw spinach contain bulk. Therefore, the space they leave in your stomach - partly because of their high water content -leaves less room for pastries and ice cream. They are also jammed with iron, foliate, calcium and vitamins A., B, C, and E that helps you to lose weight.

Grape fruits help you lose weight fast. They are not magic, but they are powerful fat fighters due to their fiber content. In addition, without added sugar, a grapefruit has fewer calories than an orange of the same weight.

Apples keep the doctors away and fat. Eating several apples a day is a great way to lose weight. Hard fruits like apples take time to chew and fill you up.

You burn more calories chewing and digesting celery than it actually contains. Celery has vitamins E and C. It is a diet food that also helps you lose weight and should be on everyone's plate.

Protein packed legumes such as black beans, chickpeas, lentils are not just low in fat and rich in soluble fiber, they digest slowly and keep blood sugar levels steady. You will not feel like eating for a while.

Calcium rich foods and drink such as low fat milk can boost metabolism. It has been found that women and girls who consume dairy products regularly tend to lose weight easily and have less body fat than those who do not.

The omega-3 in fatty fish, such as mackerel can curb overeating. The protein mixed with the fat in fish is also known to curb your eating.

You can eat all the strawberries you want and can never gain a pound. Strawberries, peaches, plums, and grapes come with cancer fighting carotenoids and appetite-suppressing fiber. Eating these types of fruits daily will help you lose weight fast.

Above are just some examples of foods that burn fat. Disciplining yourself to eat a proper diet and the right exercise program will help you reach your idea weight in no time.

Weight Loss Tip #1: Why Most Fail and Only a Few Succeed at Being Fit

In the age of information, many of the principles of health and fitness have become all but common knowledge.

Nevertheless, there still is a very clear divide between those people who become successful and losing weight and/or staying fit and those who do not.

Why is that? And what can you do to improve your chances of being in the successful minority as opposed to the unsuccessful majority?

When it comes to the world of weight loss and being fit, there are generally two areas that help to determine what you can expect for your efforts.

1)Genetic Factors
2)Psychological Factors

Most of the information out there is geared around the Genetic factors and how to compensate for any natural shortcomings with a certain amount of physical activity and dieting.

One of the most popular topics along the lines of genetics is that of Body Type.

Anatomical body type is generally broken down into 3 basic groups: Ectomorphic, Mesomorphic, and Endomorphic.

Ectomorphic types are characterized as people with thin, up and down body frames who have the easiesttime keeping their weight under control. Basketball players and runway models will often fit into this category.

Mesomorphic body types are characterized as people with athletic frames and generally muscular, well-proportioned bodies. Bodybuilders and dancers will often fit in here.

Endomorphic body types tend to be generally round figures and will often have the most trouble in keeping unwanted weight off of their bodies.

Most of us are combinations of two or more of these types with one being more dominant than the others.

One important note about these anatomical types is that while they may give some insight to how you look on the outside, they can deceive us as to how healthy you are internally. Many people who may be "thin" are literally decaying inside due to bad habits (poor diet, smoking, lack of exercise).

By contrast, there are many people who are not stereotypically thin, but are pictures of healthy due to healthy lifestyles (proper nutrition, physical activity).

The general role of knowing your body type is to get an explanation of how your body will tend to respond to your diet and lifestyle in terms of how easy or challenging it may be for you to "hold it together" in certain areas. Another way of classifying your body is by which of your hormone-producing glands dominates the way you process nutrients in the food you eat.

These Glandular ("metabolic") types will fall into one of 4 categories: Adrenal, Thyroidal, Pituitary, or Gonadal. The explanation of each is very similar to that of the anatomical body types above. The adrenal type tends to correspond with the mesomorphic anatomical type. The thyroidal is similar to the ectomorphic, and the pituitary to the endomorphic.

The gonadal type is a women-only classification that is a hybrid of being slender on the top but somewhat larger below the waist with a greater amount of body fat. The gonadal body type among women is more commonly referred to as being "pear shaped".

There is a third type of body classification that you may come across that originated in Ancient India. It has to do with "Doshas" - how the energy fields of the earth and your physical mass interact to influence how you feel.

This is not directly related to the physical aspect of weight loss but tends to give you an idea on how what psychological advantages or challenges you may have when it comes to getting and staying fit.

This brings me to a major point of clarity in this article:

As valuable as all of the body type information may be to learning your body, it is not the "end all" that it is often marketed to be.

You are neither "guaranteed" to look and feel great nor "doomed" to be overweight and unhealthy simply based on your genetics and body classification. Body types should only be used to give you insight on what advantages or challenges that you may have in your quest for life-long fitness---not a life or death sentence that limits what you can achieve.

In reality, the Psychological factors related to how you look and feel are really where the rubber meets the road in weight loss and staying healthy and fit.

It is here that you will find the tools to overcome whatever physical challenges that you are faced with. Therefore, it is here where you absolutely focus the MAJORITY of your energy if you are become and stay successful with your health and fitness goals.

One thing that many people do not consider is how the knowledge of their "body type" and what that means affects their psychological outlook in the first place.

Many "fit" people who look great because they eat right and exercise do so because they already believe that they've "got something" that is valuable and maintained. Therefore, their healthy lifestyle is just a matter of course.

The importance of the effect that your outlook on your results cannot be ignored. To put it plainly, your outLOOK directly affects your outPUT.

If you don't happen to be one of those people who seem to "naturally" have it together when it comes to your body (or you have been before but have since lost the "magic"), then what you will need to do is simply tap into the strength of your own psyche to push you toward success.

There are 5 Key Steps that you need to follow in order to take advantage of your own reservoirs of power, drive, and confidence.

  1. Self Acceptance

    In order for ANY of this to work, you will want to either have or develop of certain level of self acceptance for your body and all of its great points as well as its weaknesses.

    This doesn't mean that you have to be satisfied with yourself when you may be out of shape. What is DOES mean, however, is that you have to be "ok" with having YOUR "best body"---not someone else's.

  2. Find the Keys to Your Own Motivation

    Different things work for different people. While there may be 4 or 5 body types, there are even more different personality types. You may want to try several different types of motivational tools to see which one you respond to best for the results you want. Here are a few ideas of things to try:

    • Having a workout/diet buddy (or buddies)
    • Motivational books and tapes
    • Imagining how you will look and feel when you reach YOUR personal best
    • Thinking of the quality of life benefits of being healthy and fit

    And there are tons more.

  3. Setting Attainable Goals after You've Gotten #1 and #2 Firmly Under Your Belt

    Most people try to simply pull random goals out of the sky. This can often lead to first failure then disappointment when issues with self acceptance are combined with a lack of understanding what motivates you.

  4. Drown Yourself in Those Things that Motivate You

    Once you've figured out what works for you, DROWN yourself in it! If it works, then work IT. Take full advantage of the #1 factor in successfully achieving weight loss and maintaining physical fitness.

  5. Maintain Your Progress by Making Fitness a Lifestyle

    As many of you know by now, I am NOT a fan of traditional diets. They simply do not work. More than anything else, it is your day-to-day lifestyle that will determine what results you get, and your psychological outlook is what either drives you to or pulls you away from the activities that form that lifestyle.

There is simply no reason on earth that you cannot be one of the "Successful" people when it comes to weight loss and fitness.

Educate yourself on your body's strengths and weaknesses, then develop a winning attitude by provided your psyche with effective motivation that it will respond to. That's the hardest part. And its very doable with the right information and coaching, which is why I came up with the YourBestBodyNOW web site and weight loss program for people just like you. The rest, as they say, is will be a cinch.

To YourBestBody,

Lawrence Cole

Your Lifestyle and Fitness Coach

See this Weight Loss Article at

Weight Loss Tips - Choosing The Best For You

How do you know which weight loss tips are going to be effective for your body type? Everyone has their own ideas when it comes to weight loss and dieting. Dieting tips such as portioning what you eat, not eating late at night, carb counting and more. All of these tips are good ideas, but some may work differently on different people. Some people have a high metabolism and some have low ones. Diets should be chosen based on personal needs and certain circumstances might be present to send you away from one diet to another.

How do you know where to begin? There are many different ways to lose weight. Weight loss programs are one of the most used ways. The first one that comes to mind is LA Weight loss. Programs such as these combine dieting and exercise with motivation from professional trainers. Jenny Craig is another popular weight loss program, which allows you starter food and teaches you better ways to eat, along with ways to manage your cravings and other problems of dieting.

For those that need third party involvement to help lose weight, the weight loss tips and structure provided by weight loss programs seems to work well. Many of these programs include evaluation of metabolism, activity and personality types to assure you’re on the right track. There are several weight loss programs available, so do your research before you begin.

Another popular method is weight loss supplements use to help boost energy and curb cravings. There are many different kinds of weight loss supplements for all kinds of people. Be sure to talk to your doctor before you start to take weight loss supplements. Some contain products that can be dangerous in combination with other medicines, and some may have a negative affect on people with certain health problems.

Picking a diet and having a plan is very important. Whatever diet you choose first think about your goals and what you may or may not be willing to give up when eating. Also, consider how much time each day for exercise you will set aside, and how much money you are willing to spend on foods to accommodate your diet and whether or not you’ll be using a gym.

Keep in mind there will be work involved and going out of your comfort zone is required in most cases. Commitment is a very important key to reaching your goals and success. Perhaps the best weight loss tips you can keep in mind are these: 1) You must burn more calories than you consume in order to lose weight, 2) Making a commitment to healthy eating and regular exercise is the best thing you can do for your health and to maintain the weight loss once you’ve taken off the pounds. 3) Making lifestyle changes that are often required in order to lose weight aren’t easy, especially in the beginning, but once you see the results you won’t ever want to go back to your old habits.

When looking for more weight loss tips make sure they include healthy eating, exercise, food preparation, and support plans. Everyone needs a good support system to keep it together and stay on track to reach your goals.

Good luck, you can do it!

Weight Loss With No Dieting, No Pills And Even No Hard Excercises

Is that only a dream from the land of Utopia? In the real world, can you really lose weight without dieting, or doing hard exercises, or even without eating any dieting pills and stuff like that? - Yes, I'm claiming that you can, with my weight loss tips, but you have to be very patient and set up some long term goals for yourself. One year would be a proper timespan in going about lose some weight, this way...

It's all about simple math, really!

Managing ones weight is in some aspects very alike bookkeeping. You will have to be in control of the income and the expenses. But in our bodies, it's not a good idea to have too much of income or intake, then we will necessary gain some fat-weight and for most of us, it's something we do not want to happen.

So is it not really about "just" eating lesser? No, you don't have to eat lesser overall, or go around being hungry and maybe cranky. And you don't have to eat any diet pills, or pulver, or anything like that either. But back to the mathematical thing.

My husband told me that he read of an experiment, about how large a quantity of ice water one have to drink, in order to lose one kilo* of body weight. I'll tell you this, not to say that you should go and be an excessive ice water drinker, but as an example, a way of thinking of this matter, in very basic mathematical terms. Read more here:

Pick other favorite weight loss tips from this list

* Eating hot spices

* Eating more protein

* Eating more fiber

* Eating so called "negative calories" - see note below-

* Eating more fat, but "only" Omega 3-fatty acids

* Drinking more water

Note: Negative calories doesn't exist, but some vegetables will cause your body to use up more calories when digesting them, than they contains themselves: cabbage, celery and cucumber, just to mention some.

Here comes yet another reading tips about all the good things that will come from increasing ones daily waterintake. It's a hilarious funny blogpost called: I am sure that laughing more also will help us in our weight loss management efforts. And that brings us into yet another area...

How tiny changes in your daily habits can help

The weight loss tips from me today, will also include making some tiny changes in our daily habits. For example, not just be sitting in front of a computer for hours and hours to go, but instead considering to stand up for a while. The bodys consumption of calories is slightly larger when you are standing up, compared to when you are sitting down.

If your body weight is 70 kilos*, then just sitting down will burn 105 calories per hour, but when you stand up it will increase to a 161 calories per hour, according to the METs scale. (MET = metabolic equivalent task).

Here's a little half joke weight loss tip, to round up this article with: Next time you are meditating, assuming that you are, think deeply about changing your beer drinking habits (if you got such ones) from ordinary beer, over to light beer, or low carb beer. - Who knows how many pounds just that one little change will take off your (belly) weight, in a year, or so.

Good luck in incorporating your newly found weight loss tips into your daily life. Me? I'm practising some of my own tips and no, I will not reveal to you which ones though, sorry! - Well, we don't have to go to the extreme, do we?

*Note: 1 kilo equals 2.2 Lbs.

speed Up Your Weight Loss Naturally

Everywhere you go you see a weight loss plan being advertised. In the supermarket checkout line there are dozens of magazines displayed. On almost every one you will see a diet plan or diet tips that are guaranteed to work!

As more people suffer with obesity and loss of energy, the concern becomes greater to lose weight. In desperation, people try every new diet that comes out. Some of these are not good for your health and can cause severe problems with continued use.

Another popular method of weight loss is taking diet pills. Sometimes a doctor will give you an appetite suppressant, but these are only meant for temporary use. Many take over-the-counter pills, but these are really only supplements and may not deliver the desired results.

Try a Natural Approach to Weight Loss

If you are dissatisfied with your body and the diets you have tried, why not try a more natural approach? You may not see instant results, but in the long run the results will be more satisfactory. You will have a better level of health and wellness, and a higher level of energy.

With all the additives, preservatives and chemicals in our food and body hygiene products, our bodies are in need of detoxing. Using a cleansing system, usually made up of herbal products, will help remove the toxins built up in your organs and fatty tissues.

Other harmful products that affect our health are cigarettes and tobacco products, sodas, coffee, environmental pollutants and prescription drugs. By detoxing the body you will eliminate these wastes and help the body function in a healthier way. This will give you more energy, better colon health, clearer skin, and help with your weight loss efforts.

Eat Healthy Foods

A good diet of healthy foods is another area that is important. Eliminate harmful foods such as white flour and sugar and refined foods. Eat meat moderately and concentrate on fresh vegetables and fruit. Instead of skipping meals and eating one big meal a day, eat five to six small meals during the day. This is easier for your body to absorb and can be used more efficiently.

It is important to keep your metabolism functioning to lose weight. Exercise is important for everyone, but not everyone wants to run for an hour, or has access to a swimming pool. Find something you like to do. If you don't like to exercise alone, join a gym and have a variety of activities to choose from. If you have a good place to walk, take a brisk walk several times a week. You may not see instant results, but you will be burning extra calories and begin to tone up.

Healthy Weight Loss

By eating less calories and eating healthier foods, you will keep your metabolism from slowing down. You can still eat enough to get full without eating fatty or sugar-laden foods. All natural and organic foods will satisfy your appetite and help you burn more calories. Taking vitamins and minerals will help avoid any deficiencies.

As you seek weight loss and natural healing, make some changes in your life. Strive to eat healthy and get more exercise. These are the keys to feeling better and living a longer and more satisfying life.

Weight Loss Surgery Risks And Benefits

There is an increasing focus on weight loss in North America in the modern age, and the focus goes beyond mere looks. More and more studies are proving that being overweight not only looks unpleasant, but can also lead to some serious health issues, including high blood pressure, heart disease, and other factors which can lead to an early death.

Many obese people, however, face a serious problem when they begin to consider weight loss; they have become so overweight that their bodies simply cannot handle diets, nor can they summon the ability to partake in regular exercise. In most cases, the weight problem has become so critical that they do not really even have the time it takes to bring their weight down to a healthy level as they are in immediate danger of serious health consequences.

Lately, many people in this situation have begun to turn to the option of gastric bypass surgery. Over 150,000 gastric bypass procedures- wherein calorie intake is reduced by causing food to bypass parts of the stomach and the small intestine- were performed in 2005, many on the recommendation by a doctor for people who were considered morbidly obese.

One of the benefits of this procedure is that it is 100% effective when successful. Patients frequently state that they do not get hungry as often as they did before the surgery, nor does the hunger last as long. Patients also claim that they do not suffer the same cravings for unhealthy food that they did before the surgery. These effects are due to two factors. The first is the decreased size of the stomach- patients simply cannot hold food in the same capacity as they did previously. In addition, the smaller size means that the stomach is empty less than before the surgery and therefore does not signal the brain that food is needed.

The second reason for the decrease in appetite and cravings is the change in the hormonal balance that occurs after the surgery.

Gastric bypass is certainly beneficial in both time passed in regards to pounds lost and in the ease of the weight loss itself. However, there are also several risks involved when a patient elects to undergo the surgery.

Almost ten percent of patients who undergo the surgery report symptoms that could prove fatal some of the time. The surgery has been highly invasive in the past, with a large incision required form the upper chest to the navel. Any procedure involves risk, and the greater the cut the greater the risk. In addition, this large incision meant that a patient’s recovery time was greater, and also more painful.

Many of the risks of gastric bypass surgery are being eliminated with advancing research and procedures, such as the new laparoscopic bypass. Electing for this surgery will also entail a period of “dumping” time, in which a patient can expect to have recurring nausea, diarrhea, and an intolerance to sweets that may last for the rest of their lives.

The greatest risk in undergoing the gastric bypass surgery is the same as any surgery, especially those that are gaining popular attention; the risk of undereducated operators. Some studies have shown that the risk of death after gastric bypass is much higher in patients who go to surgeons with less experience in and knowledge of the procedure. The popularity of the procedure means that there are more doctors trying to make a quick dollar off of a limited knowledge, so any patient considering the surgery needs to be aware of their surgeon’s credentials and background.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Weight Loss Tip #7: You Become Who You Hang Around

Can you remember the last few times you completely gorged on food that you KNEW was making you fat?

Were you alone? And if not, who were you with?

More than likely, you were pigging out with the same person or group of people that you have no doubt done this with on more than one if not many occassions.

One of the things that I teach in the Your Best Body NOW Weight Loss Program is that a regular "treat" is actually a healthy thing to keep you mentally in the game of weight loss.

At the same time, we can all tend to go overboard with this when we are in "certain company". Whether that company be friends, a significant other, or co-workers, it can be difficult to not give into the pressure and go along with whatever fattening food they may want you to indulge in with them.

Can you remember the last few times you completely gorged on food that you KNEW was making you fat?

Were you alone? And if not, who were you with?

More than likely, you were pigging out with the same person or group of people that you have no doubt done this with on more than one if not many occassions.

One of the things that I teach in the Your Best Body NOW Weight Loss Program is that a regular "treat" is actually a healthy thing to keep you mentally in the game of weight loss.

At the same time, we can all tend to go overboard with this when we are in "certain company". Whether that company be friends, a significant other, or co-workers, it can be difficult to not give into the pressure and go along with whatever fattening food they may want you to indulge in with them.

So how can you get a grip on the situation?

One word---CONTROL.

Now, when I mention this "control", I'm not talking about the strict, cast-iron stomach type that has you to stick to your celery and fruit even in the midst of your favorite pizza or pastry. If you had THAT, you wouldn't be pigging out in the first place, right?

What I'm referring to is much easier, because you don't have to do it all alone.

This type of control is not just over yourself, but is exercised on your environment. It works by simply letting everyone around you know that you are participating in weight loss---not just for aesthetics, but for your health, and sincerely ask for their help.

Some people in your life will be resistant to your change at first. However, with time and consistency you will see them develop a respect for you that will make them want to HELP you eat the right thing so that you reach your weight loss goals.

This doesn't mean that you'll never enjoy your favorite decadant food with friends or loved ones again, but it does help you to not fall into a revolving door of poor food choices by giving in to every bad-for-you treat that is placed before you.

Then, when you do get around to indulging, you can do so guiltlessly because you've exercised the CONTROL to stay on the weight loss straight and narrow---most of the time.

To YourBestBody,

Lawrence Cole

Your Lifestyle and Fitness Coach

See this Weight Loss Article at

Steer Your Cruise Vacation Toward Weight Loss Success

When you've thought about a dream cruise, you may have been concerned that your best intentions about eating nutritiously and exercising regularly would...well...jump ship.

Until fairly recently, that used to be the case. Now, while enjoying delicious meals is still a part of the cruising experience, it's not the defining one. Most cruise lines offer healthier, lower-fat dinner options and are also more than willing to accommodate special dietary requests.

"While on a cruise, it's important-and easy-to concentrate on the three key areas of healthy living: food, body and mind," says Lisa Talamini, RD-Chief Nutritionist and Program Director for Jenny Craig, Inc.

"In the area of food, remember to fill up on fresh fruits and vegetables, order lean cuts of meat or fish, and try lower-calorie alcohol alternatives like wine spritzers," advises Talamini. "For the body, take advantage of the onboard gym, planned physical activities, and the chance to dance the night away. Your mind can be nurtured with a special treatment from the ship's spa, by exploring ports of call, or by relaxing quietly by the pool."

Here are a few simple ways to stay fit while on a cruise:

• At a buffet, survey the table and decide what you'll have before you get in line. Wait until the line thins; then take only what you had planned. And one trip only.

• Lighten up your "spirits." Instead of a higher-calorie cocktail, sip on a glass of sparkling water, a champagne spritzer or a virgin Cosmopolitan.

• During formal dinner seatings, request your low-fat salad dressing on the side. Using the "drip-n-drizzle" technique, dip your fork into the dressing, so you get just a little with each bite.

• Dying for dessert? Order a single serving of sorbet or something fruit based and share it with your table.

• Take a stroll on deck after every meal. Breathe in the fresh salt air, chat with your travel companion, and give your meal a well-deserved opportunity to digest.

• Choose shore excursions that involve physical activity. Golfing, hiking up to waterfalls, snorkeling and island biking are fun--plus a good workout.

• Splash around in the pool. You may not be able to do laps but treading water or doing aqua aerobics are both terrific ways to keep moving and active.

Weight Management Advice For All Star Signs

Take a break from the serious side of dieting and see how the planets affect your weight. Of course, astrology cannot offer a scientific answer to obesity, but you may be surprised at how closely you fit the description for your star sign. Who knows, maybe the stars do have an influence over your eating habits and your general approach to dieting. Check out the advice for your star sign below, and see how closely you fit the profile.

AQUARIUS (20 Jan - 18 Feb)

Advice: Look for maximum support and avoid over-strict diets.

Overweight Aquarians are typically drawn to the mysterious. So initially they may be tempted by fad diets, supplements and food combining. Usually however, they end up choosing a more healthy diet, and because they tend to be optimistic and independent, they don't quit easily. Even so, they need flexibility in their diet, as they do not like being pinned down. Also, the unpredictable nature of many Aquarians means they can flip from being a perfect dieter one day to a binge eater the next! Lastly, being private people, they tend not to join support groups - which can be a disadvantage. For best results, they should choose a flexible eating plan combined with an online support group where they can share their ups and downs without losing their privacy.

PISCES (19 Feb - 20 Mar)

Advice: If you're overweight, don't ignore the problem. Find a good incentive.

It's not uncommon for Piscean dieters to say one thing, but then do the opposite! So their eating habits don't always match their good intentions! That said, they are good organizers and once they start a diet they plan it well. Since they enjoy their food, they should choose a diet plan with plenty of variety. And for best effect, they should use their wonderful imagination to visualize how they will look when they reach their goal. Alas, Pisceans don't find it easy to start dieting. Often they depend on someone else to suggest it to them. Support is crucial for them as they are easily distracted. One critical comment can destroy their motivation, while even a minor amount of stress can drive them to bingeing. Despite this, young Pisceans tend to lose weight quite easily once they develop a rhythm. However, older Pisceans tend to gain weight easily. To minimize this, they should take action as soon as they start gaining in order to prevent obesity in later years.

ARIES (21 March - 19 April)

Advice: Be patient when dieting. Find a buddy or others to keep you on track.

Ariens are often very interested in their health and appearance, so they hate being overweight. But although they tend to start a diet with enormous enthusiasm, unless they achieve rapid success they are tempted to give up and move on to something new - maybe another diet. Their dislike of restrictions as well as their impulsive nature can make it difficult for them to stick to a diet for very long. Yet if they apply their many positive qualities, and get support, they can be very successful. Not least because Ariens love a challenge and have a great desire to succeed. To summarize, providing they accept their dieting weaknesses and take steps to overcome them - for example, by getting plenty of support - Arien dieters can achieve great success.

TAURUS (20 April-20 May)

Advice: Don't go too long without food. Make exercise fun.

Taureans are too realistic to be attracted to fad diets or other weight loss gimmicks. And their methodical nature means that dieting comes easier to them. Furthermore, their normal patience ensures that they stay on track even if their weight loss is slow. However, typical Taureans tend to lose weight quite slowly, often because they have a slow metabolism and don't really enjoy exercise. Also, a minority of Taureans can become very "set" in their ways, and may not find it easy to change their lifestyle. Where it occurs, Taurean obesity tends to be the result of a sweet tooth, a love of rich food and occasionally a self-indulgent streak. So eating regularly throughout the day will prove especially beneficial for them. Due to their dislike of exercise, they should join a fitness group for optimum support.

GEMINI (21 May - 20 June)

Advice: Set yourself realistic goals. Join a weight loss support group.

Despite the fact that Geminis tend to have a fast metabolism and burn calories quite quickly, this does not always guarantee success. This is due to their fickle nature, their impatience and occasionally their unrealistic expectations. Ideally, they should choose a Taurean diet buddy to help keep them on track. Even so, Geminis have many positive qualities that help them to lose weight. Their optimism and love of change can inspire them to embrace the necessary lifestyle changes. For best results, they should seek support to help them stay cool if and when weight loss slows down, and try to curb their natural tendency to weigh themselves every day!

CANCER (21 June -22 July)

Advice: It's vital you have a powerful incentive to lose weight.

Overweight Cancerians can spend years worrying about their size and shape without taking remedial action. One reason for this is that they LOVE to feed themselves and others! So the idea of following a rigid calorie-controlled diet is not attractive to them, especially for more moody Cancerians with a tendency to eat for comfort. That said, patience is the greatest Cancerian asset. So once they commit to a diet and exercise program, Cancerians are very tenacious and tend to persevere until they reach their goals. But they must have a good incentive to lose weight, and they must choose a diet plan which suits their lifestyle and offers a wide variety of foods.

LEO (23 July - 22 August)

Advice: Don't be distracted by fad diets.

When it comes to losing weight, Leos greatest strengths can be their greatest weaknesses. For example, if things go well, their enthusiasm and desire to succeed can make weight loss quite easy for them. But if they encounter difficulties and fail to meet their high standards, they often become despondent and quit. This is aggravated by the Leo desire for excitement, which increases their weakness for fad diets or other plans that promise "instant weight loss." To combat this, it is particularly important for Leos to choose a healthy diet program that offers reliable weight loss, plus enough support to help them bounce back if they experience "bad days" or "bad weeks".

VIRGO (23 August - 22 Sept)

Advice: Be realistic! Don't expect to lose weight too fast.

Similar to Leos, Virgo dieters can struggle to lose weight despite their positive qualities. On the one hand they are gifted with great practicality, attention to detail and high standards, which leads them to choose sensible diets and which may give them great strength of purpose. On the other, they expect too much of themselves, which can be their downfall. If they don't lose weight fast enough, either they feel too miserable and quit, or else they cut corners, eat too little and end up bingeing. To overcome this, Virgos should join a diet forum or support group which might help them to channel their energy and cope with occasional disappointments.

LIBRA (23 Sept - 22 Oct)

Advice: Boost your self-discipline by joining diet and exercise groups.

Librans tend to have a slower metabolism and may gain weight relatively easily. This is aggravated by their laid-back attitude, dislike of exercise and the Libran sweet tooth! On the other hand, Librans are very aware of their appearance and appreciate that in order to maintain their looks they need to eat healthily and take regular exercise. Once motivated they adapt well to new routines. For best results, Librans should avoid being tempted by any plan that promises "effortless" or "ultra-fast" weight loss, and choose a more realistic program. In addition, they should join an exercise group or gym to help them get a regular workout.

SCORPIO (23 Oct - 21 Nov)

Advice: Ease up. Don't worry so much. You're a natural winner.

Weight reduction tends to be easier for Scorpios than any other star sign. This is because Scorpios are positive, well-organized, determined and willing to follow a new diet regimen. If they have a weakness, it is their need to completely immerse themselves in their weight loss program. So if sudden obstacles appear, which prevent them from giving their utmost, some Scorpios can quickly become restless and dissatisfied. Also, in an attempt to lose weight as fast as possible, they can overdo things. They may reduce calories too far, or take too much exercise. If they avoid these traps, Scorpios typically achieve great success.

SAGITTARIUS (22 Nov - 21 Dec)

Advice: Focus on your diet and get plenty of exercise support.

When it comes to losing weight, Sagittarians have one major handicap: they try to take on too much. They are quite capable of starting a new diet and a new job at the same time. As a result, despite great enthusiasm and a genuine desire to finish what they start, they can't give their diet the attention it requires. Result? The wheels come off. This situation is aggravated by Sagittarian impatience and an undomesticated nature. For best results, Sagittarians should limit their commitments, choose a diet which offers simple recipes and enough online support to help them overcome their periodic restlessness. A fun exercise program, such as an aerobic dance class, is especially beneficial for Sagittarians.

CAPRICORN (22 Dec - 19 Jan)

Advice: Go with the flow and learn to accept help.

Capricorns have a number of wonderful qualities. Extremely single-minded, well-organized and able to sacrifice everything to achieve their goals, Capricorns rarely have problems losing weight, provided they are motivated. However, they do not take advice easily, nor do they look for help, so if they experience problems - like a weight loss plateau, a sudden loss of motivation, or a weekend binge - they can find it difficult to recover. So for best results, Capricorns should be more prepared to take advice and seek support. As far as specific plans are concerned, a practical diet with strict rules is ideal.

Weight Loss with Alternative Medicine

Weight loss is one of the big topics-no pun intended-on the late night television circuit. While flipping through the channels after 11p.m., you are apt to come across several advertisements for weight loss pills and diet supplements, each promising to help you drop those unwanted pounds and remove stubborn belly fat once and for all.

Let's face it, if these pills really worked, America wouldn't be the top overweight country in the world.

There are types of alternative medicine which can help with weight loss, however, and with great results. While no alternative medicine is a magic solution, practicing these principles can help you become more limber, feel more energetic, and the end result-or side effect if you will- is weight loss.

Take yoga for example. The low impact stretching involved with yoga will help you feel less stressed, and as a result less likely to over eat as a result of depression or anger. Acupuncture has exact pressure points in the ear which help reduce cravings, and detoxifying teas and herbs can help you feel healthier, and the side effect would be thinking twice before deciding that you want to "pollute" yourself again with oily and fatty foods. In this respect, alternative medicine is wonderful for weight loss.

Most alternative medicines for weight loss come in the form of detoxifying teas, energy supplements, and vitamins. The exercise and diet plans are the basis-as they should be- for safe and effective long term weight loss. There is no magic potion to lose weight. Truly dropping pounds and keeping them off requires regular daily exercise and a change in eating habits, period.

However, to get you ready for weight loss, here are some alternative medicine detoxifying teas and interesting supplements;

Take turmeric, ginger, and lemon-about a half teaspoon each and the juice of half a lemon, and boil it all in 2 cups of water. Drink every morning as a detoxifier before you start your diet.

All diets should consist of fresh fruits and vegetables, and buying a juicer is a great way to make a habit out of eating healthy. Please see your doctor before starting any kind of diet plan.

Omega three is a fine source of nutrient, and can be added to any smoothie or juice that you're drinking.

Visit your local food co op or herbalist, they can get you set up with all sorts of alternative teas and nutrition advice, and can refer you to a good homeopathic doctor who will evaluate you as to what your individual nutrition needs are.
Bovine and shark cartilage are two dietary supplements to hit the alternative market. Both have been used for years outside of the United States and Britain, but now are big business in the health food stores.

The most popular form of alternative medicine for weight loss isn't really medicine at all, rather behavior modification through hypnosis. Hypnosis doesn't make you rely on will power, that's one of the reasons it's so popular.

How hypnosis works is that it investigates what is subconsciously holding you to the thinking and eating habits that keep you overweight. Hypnotists believe that if the root cause of the obesity can be alleviated, the patient will naturally begin to lose weight. It is actually a very effective form of alternative medicine, and overall can cost much less than trips to day spas and expensive over the counter weight loss pills. Through hypnosis you can let go of fears that keep you from eating healthy, and begin to allow a positive energy flow through you, causing you to want to stick to the new way of eating and exercising.

DISCLAIMER: This information is not presented by a medical practitioner and is for educational and informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read.
Since natural and/or dietary supplements are not FDA approved they must be accompanied by a two-part disclaimer on the product label: that the statement has not been evaluated by FDA and that the product is not intended to “diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.”

Weight Loss Tip #12: How Starving Your Body Can Make You Gain Weight

No, that title is not a typo.

One of the things that makes people not get the weight loss results that they want is that they may occassionally be starving their bodies.

There are two basic ways that this can happen. One is for it to be done inadvertently---like when you just get busy and forget to eat.

Another is when you purpose deprive your body of food to try and "speed up" your results.

Regardless of how it happens, either scenario in this case is equally damaging. Although you will decrease the calories that you take in which may lead to some short-term weight loss, the kicker here is that you will be slowing down your metabolism.

What this means is that after the starving is over, your body will hold onto the next meal you eat for dear life, expecting be be starved again.

If you allow starvation to become a habit, you will actually be contributing to your own weight gain in the future.

Therefore, make sure that you are keeping your meals no more than 4 hours apart. As long as you do this, you will be supporting the healthy metabolism that you'll need to lose the kind of weight that you've committed to.

To Your Best Body,

Lawrence Cole

Your Lifestyle and Fitness Coach

See this Weight Loss Article at

Weight Loss Tip #5: Trim Down Your Waist to Avoid Heart Attack

A recent global study has come to some pretty alarming conclusions about the link between your waist-to-hip ratio and the risk of suffering from a heart attack.

How does waist-to hip ratio (WHR) work? Well, if your waist and hips are exactly the same circumference, you have a ration of 1 to 1 (1:1).

If your waist is smaller than your hips, the ratio will go down. For example, if your waist is only half as big around as your hips, the it changes to 1 to 2, or 1:2.

If the opposite is true, and your waist is twice as big as your hip area, the ratio goes up to 2 to 1, or 2:1.

Apparently, having a waist to hip ratio of 1:1 or more greatly increases your chances of suffering from a potentially fatal dysfunction of the heart.

A recent global study has come to some pretty alarming conclusions about the link between your waist-to-hip ratio and the risk of suffering from a heart attack.

How does waist-to hip ratio (WHR) work? Well, if your waist and hips are exactly the same circumference, you have a ration of 1 to 1 (1:1).

If your waist is smaller than your hips, the ratio will go down. For example, if your waist is only half as big around as your hips, the it changes to 1 to 2, or 1:2.

If the opposite is true, and your waist is twice as big as your hip area, the ratio goes up to 2 to 1, or 2:1.

Apparently, having a waist to hip ratio of 1:1 or more greatly increases your chances of suffering from a potentially fatal dysfunction of the heart.

Check your waist-to-hip ratio (WHR)

Being in a state of obesity makes the threat many times worse. Currently there are more than 300 million obese people worldwide.

An obese person is generally regarded as somewhat with a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or more.

Find out your body mass index (BMI)

What makes this issue so tricky is that some people will have a natural advantage with their WHR based on their genetic body type and shape.

Women with small waists and curvy hips will have the easiest time managing this ratio, while both men and women who have large midsections will have the most difficult time managing it.

Regardless of sex or body type, what is important for you to know is that you must do everything you can to keep your waist size down, down, DOWN!

In addition to heart attack, the WHR has been linked to determining your general risk of developing chronic diseases. It represents one of the many reasons why weight loss has so much more to offer you than a just a sexy body (all though it does come with that!)

The Your Best Body NOW Weight Loss Program teaches you not just how to lose weight but how to improve your entire lifestyle to make weight control and WAIST control simple and easy.

You only get one chance at life. Take care of it by living healthy and fit.

To YourBestBody,

Lawrence Cole

Your Lifestyle and Fitness Coach

See this Weight Loss Article at

Stay Away From Obesity with Phentermine

It is for sure that losing weight is as difficult as to search a needle in a haystack. The normal weight of a person depends on the height. The BMI (Body Mass Index) helps you to decide whether you are suffering from obesity or not. When the value of BMI exceeds the 30 value, then you can come to the conclusion that you are leaning towards obesity.

Consumption of more calories than you can burn leads to an unhealthy condition called obesity. Obesity can make you drown in the deep well of depression. This can put you in an embarrassing condition in front of your loved ones. Obesity never comes alone; it is usually accompanied with diseases like heart disease, diabetes, respiratory disorders, high blood pressure and many more.

As we all know that exercise is the best remedy for obesity, but the question is that how many of us are serious about regular exercises. This can be due to our laziness, unwillingness, lack of goals, and hectic schedule. With the advancement in medical science it is now easy to remove that extra fat from your body. A massive collection of diet pills are also available in the pharmaceutical market to cure obesity. Few of them are given below:








•Bontril and many more…

These diet pills especially Phentermine works as an effective appetite suppressant. Phentermine diet pill facilitates you to control your overeating habit. Phentermine also comes with the name of phentermine hydrochloride. It can be treated as a short-term treatment for obesity. Phentermine shows amazing results when you consume this wonder drug in conjunction with a balanced diet and mild exercises. Mild exercises are required to gain maximum benefits.

Phentermine is available in the dosages of Phentermine 15 mg, Phentermine 30 mg and Phentermine 37.5 mg. Phentermine acts as a quick and safe medium to lose weight when you take this medicine as prescribed by your doctor. You have to consult your doctor before you go for weight loss treatment through phentermine. You are advised to tell the doctor about your previous medication and condition.

Doctor’s guidance will be helpful for you to stay away from the side effects of phentermine. Few of the side effects of phentermine are as under:


Change in sex drive



If you encounter any of the above side effects of phentermine pill, do not stop taking phentermine and consult your doctor. These side effects may go away in few hours.
Some of the more serious side effects of phentermine are also there but they are not commonly seen.

High blood pressure

Severe headache

Abnormal behavior

Blurred Vision




If you experience any of these serious side effects, it is advised that you instantly stop the consumption of phentermine and seek medical attention on an emergency basis.
In spite of these side effects, phentermine is ahead in popularity because of its effective results. Phentermine enables you to stay away from obesity and other related health problems.

Buy phentermine and move ahead with a tension free life.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Weighted Average Cost Of Capital (WACC), Commodity Historic Prices, Index Prices, And Country Risk

The Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) is a calculation of a company’s proportionately weighted capital according to specific categories. All sources of capital – common stock, preferred stock, bonds, and any other debt are included. It’s computed by multiplying the cost of each capital source by its proportional weight (% of total capital) and then working through this equation.

WACC = (E/V) * Re + (D/V) * Rd * (1-Tc)


Re = cost of equity

Rd = cost of debt

E = market value of the firm’s equity

D = market value of the firm’s debt

V = E + D

E/V = percentage of financing that is equity

D/V = percentage of financing that is debt

Tc = corporate tax rate

The WACC is useful in determining how a company gains its capital. Is it financing itself through debt or equity? The WACC helps answer that question. Computing WACC offers insight into a company’s ability to make returns upon its investments and, hence, money for investors. The WACC is often used by internal management to steer the company toward beneficial, moneymaking projects and away from losing ones.

A historical commodity price index will illustrate prices of a commodity at specific historical times. Over a given period of time the average of these indexed prices gives the commodity’s historical price. Speculation on future commodity prices can be made on fluctuation’s of the commodity’s historical price. The spot commodity price is the price of a commodity “on the spot” where it is being sold on the cash market.

Index closing prices are the numbers we hear given on nightly news broadcasts. The NYSE index and NASDAQ index are both examples of whole market stock indices. The Dow Jones Industrial Average and the S&P 500 are examples of broad-base stock indices. The prices of these broad indices are determined by using the closing prices issued by the primary exchange for each member stock in the index. If the price changed during the trading day, the new price is used to calculate the index closing price. Thus, with the S&P 500 calculations of price fluctuations for all 500 member stocks each day are made to determine the daily index price.

Country risk rates reflect the risk of investment in that country. Government stability, both political and financial, factor into this heavily. Banks may use this term to determine whether or not it wants to provide financing to a company that does a lot of business overseas. The magazine Euromoney puts out a survey of country risk and ranks them.

Weight Loss Tips - Live a healthy lifestyle

Obesity is one of the biggest problems faced by millions of people in America. This has resulted in a big weight loss corporate industry in the country like Weight watchers, Jenny Carig and many others. Although there are good programs, I feel people can themselves do quite a bit to reduce their weight. The two major factors in weight loss are exercise and controlled diet. I have put together several points which will be useful to individuals looking to reduce their weight.

1. Eat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables every day. Most fruits are low in calories and make you full sooner. Not to mention the other vitamins and fibers they also contain.

2. Read those nutrition fact labels: It is a good idea to know how many calories you are consuming. Some foods combo's can be deceptive, for example if you are having a plate of salad topped with lot of high calorie dressing and a soda, they you have just had more calories then you might get from a combination of grilled chicken sandwich (with no cheese and dressing) plus diet soda. So be smart with what you eat. Prefer home cooked food as much as possible.

3. Eating smaller frequent meals will also help you cut down the total intake of calories compared to 3 big meals a day.

4. Give yourself a break: Being too restrictive can anyway demotivate you, so to give yourself regular breaks. But do not over-eat at the same time, be conservative and try to make up for it in other meals.

5. Drinks: Soda, juice, cream are all loaded with sugars which we usually do not account into out diet plan. Drink water instead.

6. Exercise: Do not always depend on your car for everything, walk wherever you can. Go hiking and those backpacks help to burn extra calories. Make friends who have a active lifestyle, join gym or get a treadmill in your home. Remember to increase your exercise in a progressive manner day by day instead of doing strenuous exercise from day one. Be practical on what your body can take and avoid overexertion.

7. Get motivation: Talk to people who have had success in weight loss and they will give you a lot of inspiration.

8. Get enough sleep, reduce stress and live happy.

9. Reward yourself when you reach your monthly weight loss milestones.

10. Never give up, even if you have failed a few times previously.

11. Eating slowly can lead to weight loss: Did you ever notice that thin people take an awfully long time to eat their food? Eating slowly is one method that can help take off pounds. That's because from the time you begin eating it takes the brain 20 minutes to start signaling feelings of fullness. Fast eaters often eat beyond their true level of fullness before the 20 minute signal has had a chance to set in. The amount of calories consumed before you begin to feel full can vary significantly depending on how quickly you eat. So slow down, take smaller bites and enjoy and savor every tasty morsel.

I am not an expert so it is advisable to consult your doctor before starting any weight loss effort and they will also tell you if you have any medical condition that may prevent you to follow these tips.

Weight Loss Tip #6: Using Antioxidants in Your Weight Loss Program

If you're smart, you should not only be focused on your goal to lose weight but to maximize your weight loss program to its full extent by getting some health benfits out of it as well, and make them priority #1.

One of the health benefits you should be aiming for as you lose weight should be getting a good daily dosage of antioxidants while on your weight loss plan and even afterward while in maintainence mode.

Just a few short years ago, the average person had never even heard of an antioxidant, let alone could actually tell you what one was.

Now, antioxidants are one of the biggest buzz words in health and fitness. Nearly every other product on the market claims to be chuck full of them. So what are they? REALLY? And what's so darn good about them that it creates such hoopla?

Simply put, antioxidants fight to help eliminate the body of one of its most dangerous internal enemies---free radicals. "Free Radical" is the layman's term for an oxygen atom that has been split in half so that it only has one electron as opposed to the two that it is supposed to have.

These split particles are constantly being made in the body, and if they are left unchecked, they can cause a myriad of problems. One such problem is to bump into and damage the internal tissues of the body's organs and systems.

A second problem is to attached themselves to molecules within the body and throw of the chemical balance within us, setting off chemical chain reactions and causing health problems while multiplying more and more new free radical particles from these reactions.

Damage from free radicals has been proven to contribute to such common and deadly illnesses as atherosclerosis, cancer, quickening the aging process, and eye cataracts.

There are currently 3 vitamins and 2 minerals that have been identified to have antioxidant properties:


  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E
  • beta carotene


  • Sulfur
  • Selenium

As you embark on your weight loss program, remember that your goal is not only to lose weight, but to gain optimum health. Weight loss itself is just an added benefit of being a wholistically healthy person.

To YourBestBody,

Lawrence Cole

Your Lifestyle and Fitness Coach

See this Weight Loss Article

Weight loss techniques

People gain weight when the number of calories they eat is more than the number of calories their bodies use. Overweight people have an increased risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, and other illnesses. Your doctor can help you set rational goals based on a proper weight for your height, build and age. Usually, doctors will recommend that their overweight patients combine a reduction of the caloric content of the diet, with an increase in physical activity. Other methods of losing weight include use of drugs and supplements that decrease appetite, block fat absorption, or reduce stomach volume. Surgery is another method. Weight-loss programs should encourage healthy behaviors that help you lose weight and that you can stick with in your every day activity. It is very desirable for you to gather as much information as you can before deciding to join a particular program. You may start to benefit from regular physical activity. Even modest amounts of physical action can improve your health. Start with small, specific goals such as walking 10 minutes a day, 3 days a week. When you eat out and are on the go it’s important to make smart food choices and watch portion sizes. When you prepare food at home read the nutrition label on foods. Look for foods low in saturated fats and trans fats. Choose and prepare foods and beverages with little added sugars (caloric sweeteners). Variety in the diet helps you get all the vitamins and other nutrients you need. Look for a weight loss program that gives you some control, rather than imposing one rigid system, one that offers a variety of different eating plans, so you can choose the one that's best for you. Prescription diet pills may help some people. If you use them, follow the doctor's directions carefully. Other method of weight reduction technique is the use of diet patches.

Weight Loss With Hoodia

No one knows for sure, but it's believed the San People of South Africa used Hoodia for most or all of the 27,000-plus years they lived in the Kalahari. It was not until 1937 when a Dutch anthropologist observed them munching on the cactus to stifle fierce hunger pangs during long hunting trips that Hoodia first came to the attention of the outside world. Then, for inexplicable reasons what was then and remains today the most powerful natural appetite-suppressant known to man sat on the back shelves for decades to follow.

The new diet pill that kills your appetite, ups your mood, and gives you waves upon waves of energy. When western drug companies learned the San people of South Africa have been using the Hoodia plant to successfully stave of the worst hunger pangs imaginable for days at a time without unwanted side effects, the push was on to bring this product to market.
• Only the gordonii variation of hoodia has appetite suppressant abilities.
• Hoodia tricks the brain into thinking you've eaten, and makes you feel full.
• Hoodia may work right away, or may take several weeks.
• Key results of hoodia reported include a reduced interest in food, delay in the time after eating before hunger sets in again, feeling full more quickly, and a general feeling of well-being.
• Hoodia gordonii is not a stimulant, and has no known side effects.
• Hoodia appears to be safe for most people.

Weight Loss Tip #2: How to Pick a Good Personal Trainer

One of the major benefits of the YourBestBodyNOW Program and several other programs like it is that you can lose weight and meet your fitness and weight loss goals even if you have neither the time nor money to get a personal trainer.

At the same time, if you do ultimately decide to hire trainer at some point, I want to make sure that you are going about it in a way that will bring you the absolute maximum benefit. I wouldn't be a good fitness coach if I did anything less.

There's no doubt that getting a good personal trainer has many benefits, including but no limited to:

  • Speeding up the learning curve
  • Great source of motivation
  • Getting increased results
  • Having a training partner to hold you accountable

At the same time, it is a HUGE mistake to simply rely on any old trainer to help you to consistently get the results that you desire. I can't tell you how many people pay tons of money for expensive personal trainers and get little to no results after months and months of working with these people.

To keep as many people as possible from this horrific fate, I've put together a little check list to help you in choosing a trainer that is worth your money, time, and efforts.

  1. All trainers are not created equal, so you do the picking

    There are a lot of gyms and health clubs who will literally assign you a trainer when you sign up for the 1 on 1 option. Don't fall for this. With the time, effort, and discipline that it takes to get great results for your body---even with a trainer---you want to make sure that you are getting someone that you are going to be both happy and comfortable with.

    You will want to meet several trainers, and may even want to ask a couple of them for a trial session to get a feel for their coaching style, depth of knowledge, and motivational skills. It also would not be a bad idea to talk to some of the members of the gym who are already in great shape and ask them which trainer or trainers they think knows what he or she is doing. You'll
    be surprised at the quality of information that you will get.

  2. Don't Listen to a trainer who does not look
    any better than you do

    I literally gasp for air everytime I walk into a gym and see a trainer with a
    client and noticing that the trainer is in no better---if not worse shape than the person who is paying them to improve their health and physique.

    I mean really, do the math on this one. How can someone who has not achieved what you want to accomplish possibly help you how to get there?

    You wouldn't take investment advice from someone who was broke; you
    wouldn't pay for piano lessons from somoene who's tone def; and you certainly wouldn't ask for tutoring from the class dunce and then pay him to do it. So why in the world would you pay someone to help you have the body
    you want who has not already accomplished it for themself?

  3. One Size Does Not Fit All

    Just like you tend to wear clothes that compliment your particular body composition, there are numerous aspects of working out and dieting that will cater to making the best out of your very unique body type and its characteristics.

    Make sure that whatever trainer you use is not only knowledgeable of this fact but makes it a part of your program to evaluate specifically what should be done to best enhance your body type, not someone else's.

  4. Expect the Unmagical

    Rome was not built in a day, and neither will your best physique be. It is not what you do in spurts, but what you do consistently or a long period of time that determines what your body will look like and how well it will function.

    Hiring a personal trainer may slightly accelerate your results, and will most definitely focus them. Nevertheless, a trainer is not the end-all to your development, and getting what you want out of this will take just as much if not more work than you would have to put out anyway.

    Think of your trainer as a guide and a coach---not the silver bullet to Your Best Body in 30 days or less. Just know that as long as you are consistent, your results will gradually take care of themselves.

  5. Be a Good Student

    Once you've picked a good personal trainer who you feel comfortable with and confident in, LISTEN to them! Make sure to really take advantage of not only the precious time that you have with them during your workouts but also to their wealth of knowledge regarding your health and fitness that you can apply to your life outside of the gym.

    Many of the information and techniques that you learn from a good trainer can serve you well for much of your life as you constantly improve your overall health and well being.

Whether you are a fitness newbie, or a seasoned exercise buff looking to take your workout program to the next level, a well selected personal trainer can be a HUGE benefit to the attainment of your fitness goals. Just make sure that you are shrewd in your selection of them and that you sponge all of the good information that you can for yourself. If you truly take on the task of doing it right, I assure you that you won't regret it.

To YourBestBody,

Lawrence Cole

Your Lifestyle and Fitness Coach

Monday, June 10, 2013

Weight Training Tips To Minimize Fatigue

Weight training has become a fad nowadays. Individuals who engage in this activity often make the mistake of lifting too much weight too soon. Weight lifters should bear in mind that weight training should be done in moderation to truly achieve its health benefits. Excessive weight training may lead to fatigue and cause injuries. People who want to lift weight should not increase the weight until they can easily complete the eighth repetition of an exercise routine. Weight should gradually be increased to challenge the muscles until it feels hard to complete repetitions. Individuals who cannot lift eight times in a row should use lighter weights because lifting too heavy too soon may stress the muscles and cause injury. In addition to this, the same set of muscles should not be worked out on consecutive days because the body needs time to rebuild itself. For a complete workout routine, cardiovascular exercises like running, brisk walking, or swimming should be done after weight training or on days where one does not have to lift weights.

Some tips on proper weight training include the following:

Do warm-up exercises. Repetitive, slow, and gentle movement such as walking for a few minutes or slowly going through the motions of a couple of the weight-training exercises, minus the weights. This may help circulate blood to your muscles and reduce the risk of an injury.

Stretch your muscles. After you have completed all the exercises in the sequence, gently stretch all of the muscles you have just worked on.

Do slow repetitions. Perform each exercise slowly 8–10 times. A slow repetition means taking about 3 seconds to lift the weight, 1 second to rest, then 3 seconds to lower the weight. Repeat for the opposite leg or arm, when necessary.

Don’t hold your breath. Breathe regularly during weight training. For example, take a deep breath in, then breathe out slowly as you lift the weight; breathe in as you lower the weight. Do not hold your breath while lifting or lowering the weight.

Pain should not be felt. You should need to exert strong effort when lifting the weights in these exercises, but remember to stay within a range of movement that does not cause you pain. Pain during exercise may be an indication that there is something wrong with one's exercise routine.

Rest. Do resistance or weight training exercises three times a week. A non-weight training day between weight training days should be done to give the muscles ample time to rest and recover.

Injury during weight training is inevitable. Some of the precautions that can be done when one encounters an injury is taking a rest from weight lifting and undergoing physical therapy. Tramadol, a synthetic pain reliever may be taken to relieve the pain and discomfort that can be experienced with injuries. Tramadol side effects are milder compared to other pain relieving drugs out in the market. These side effects may include nausea, constipation, dizziness, headache, drowsiness, and vomiting. Individuals should consult their doctors before taking this medicine. Though Tramadol side effects are mild and bearable, may not be used by individuals with certain health conditions and medical history. This drug may also interact with other drugs which may lead to development of more unwanted side effects.

Before engaging in fitness programs like weight training, individuals who want to improve their health are encouraged to seek the advice of doctors and other health specialists. Engaging in weight training exercises not approved by health professionals may do more harm than good. Understanding proper weight training may lead to improved overall health and well-being.

Weight Loss Tip #4 Protecting Your Spine and Lower Back While You Lose Weight

When most people begin a Weight Loss program or diet plan so that they can tone up and/or lose weight, the often forget about THE most important aspect of any exercise and diet program: Safety.

Although there are numerous ways in which exercising safely is beneficial to you, one of the most important and the least observed is concerning the spine and lower back.

There is nothing inherently wrong with spinal movement. However, problems tend to arise over time as a result of holding static positions such as sitting or standing with bad posture or not using proper body mechanics for lifting objects over a period of months and/or years.

Due to the above factors, a very large portion of the population eventually develops one form or another of complications with their lower spine and back.

Here are some ways that you can protect your lower back and spine area from injury and strain while exercising to tone up and lose weight:

  • Avoid bending over and lifting objects with your back muscles

    This is a common habit that wears down on the spine and lower back area by placing more tension on the area than it should be handling. As an alternative, bend fully at the kness when picking up objects of any significant weight and use the power of your larger, much stronger leg muscles to carry the majority of the weight load and give your lower back and spine a break.

  • Strengthen your abdominal muscles for additional back support

    The abdominal muscles are antagonist to the lower back, meaning that they stabilize movement at the back by providing a force in the opposite direction. They also have the potential to significantly reduce or even stop a force made on the back if they are strong enough.

Either way you slice it watching out for your spine is a crucial part of your weight loss program in that it keeps your body in good enough condition to continue your plan to help you tone and lose weight effectively.

To YourBestBody,

Lawrence Cole

Your Lifestyle and Fitness Coach

See this Weight Loss Article at

Weight Loss Survey: Why Dieters Fail To Lose Weight

Current levels of overweight and obesity, together with weight-related disease, have made weight control a major health priority throughout America. Yet statistics indicate that average weight reduction on conventional diets adds up to a mere 5-8 pounds per year. So why do we find dieting so difficult? According to a new survey(1), the answer seems to be: because we make 3 crucial mistakes. We don't have a good enough incentive; we allow ourselves to go hungry; and we can't cope with "bad days".

The weight loss survey conducted by asked dieters to select the three biggest problems they faced when dieting. The most common problems reported were: "Inadequate incentive to lose weight" (76%); "Hunger" (72%); and "Bad days" (70%). Although these results will come as no surprise to most dieters, they highlight the importance of motivation in the dieting process. We examine how these problems occur, and what steps can be taken to overcome them.

Why Do We Need an Incentive?
We gain weight because we take in more energy than we use. Either because we eat too many calories, or burn too few, or both. So if we want to reduce weight, we need to improve our eating and exercise habits. And this is not easy, because let's face it - old habits are not easily discarded, especially if they involve cutting out our favorite treats. We need a powerful incentive to help us change. Specifically, we need an answer to the question: "How exactly will I benefit from losing weight?"

When faced with this question, many dieters have no answer. Those who do, typically reply: "I'll feel better" or "my health will improve". Others explain they are trying to lose weight to please their doctor, or their partner, or simply because they are "overweight". Unfortunately, none of these reasons are strong enough to help us succeed. So when temptation strikes, we are unable to resist.

What Type of Incentive is Best?
Our motivation to lose weight must be based on a selfish, specific benefit. A good example might be an upcoming beach holiday, or a family occasion, or the achievement of a specific mobility or fitness goal. It must be as specific as possible (general benefits are useless) and ideally related to a fixed date. In addition, it must be selfish. Losing weight to please others rarely works. The advice I give to my clients is very simple. Do not bother dieting unless you have a good incentive. Because no matter how good the diet, no matter how valuable the exercise plan, unless you have a powerful reason to change your habits you won't succeed.

Hunger Kills Diets
Most dieters are still convinced that calories are their enemy. So the less they eat, the faster they are likely to lose weight. This is not true. In reality, the less we eat, the more hungry we get and the easier it is to fall into temptation. The human body is trained to eat when hungry and no amount of willpower will neutralize this basic urge. This is why binge eating is such a common response to low calorie diets.

How to Avoid Hunger
No rocket science here. Avoiding hunger simply means eating regularly throughout the day, and keeping your calorie intake above 1000-1200 per day. This prevents hunger, thus reducing the urge to overeat, and in addition helps to maintain a regular high level of calorie-burning.

Eat Too Much Rather Than Too Little
We all have days when we feel extra hungry, even when we are dieting. This is no problem - simply eat more! It is always better to eat a little too much than not enough. Might this delay your weight loss? Yes. But so what? Taking a few extra days to achieve your goal is not a problem. The real danger is not eating enough and ending up hungry and depressed. This is a recipe for a binge.

Bad Days and The Problem of Perfection
No dieter is perfect. The truth is, all dieters experience "bad days" or fall into occasional temptation. Sadly, most dieters insist on "being perfect". They cannot tolerate these lapses. So if (say) they visit a friend and end up eating 2 containers of ice cream and a box of cookies, they go to pieces. "I'm useless!" they cry. "I'm a failure!" Overwhelmed by guilt at not being perfect, they then quit their diet in disgust.

It's the Guilt That Does the Damage
In this situation, the actual binge is typically fairly harmless. I mean, we need to eat a huge quantity of food (3500+ calories) to gain even one pound of weight. The real damage is caused by the ensuing guilt. And this is what we need to address.

Guilt Comes From Trying to Be Perfect
All dieters make mistakes and this is perfectly normal. Having an occasional binge is no cause for alarm, far less guilt. Even my most successful clients - those who have lost 100+ pounds - had regular lapses. The difference is, they didn't see themselves as "perfect" individuals. So they felt "entitled" to make occasional mistakes, and so should you. Once you accept this, you will find dieting a whole lot easier.

We Need Support to Make These Changes
In order to overcome the 3 problems described above, an essential first step is to find proper support. This is just as important as choosing the right diet plan, because no matter how good the diet, it can't motivate you to stay on track - only people can do this. Dieting is ten times easier when you receive encouragement from others. So when choosing an online weight loss program, choose one with an active forum. Because at the end of the day, it's all about people. When we are alone and isolated, the smallest obstacle can seem like a mountain. But when we have people behind us, anything is possible.

1. Weight Loss Survey (Oct 2005) by A total of 17,403 subjects replied to the survey. They were asked to choose 3 from a list of 10 diet-problems. The results were as follows:
(1) Inadequate Incentive (76%).
(2) Hunger (72%).
(3) Bad Days (70%).
(4) Boredom (69%).
(5) Stress (60%).
(6) Interference From Others (51%).
(7) Too Much Eating Out (32%).
(8) Eating on The Run (28%).
(9) Ill-health (5%).
(10) Lack of Sleep (1%).

Weight Loss Tricks

Weight loss tricks which are little known can give you an edge you would not otherwise have. Many people find it difficult to lose weight safely and consistently, but it is not that hard if you know exactly what to do. There are many techniques and little known tricks you can employ which will ease the process, and speed it up. Here in this article you will find some very effective weight loss tricks.

Weight Loss Trick 1

Keep a record of your progress. Some weight loss tricks we don't want to use are the ones which are self inflicted. We can often defeat ourselves by being dishonest about our calorie intake, or missed exercise because we were too busy, and this can largely be avoided by keeping a weight graph. It is easy to use squared or graph paper to plot the results of your progress, or lack of it. Make sure you weigh yourself consistently, wearing the same clothes, at a set time every day. When the graph is joined together to form a line, you will have visual evidence of your progress.

Weight Loss Trick 2

Keep a record of the food you eat. So many people kid themselves by choosing not to remember all of the times they gave in to temptation and ate something they shouldn't. Then, they feign surprise at their lack of progress on the scales. Make a written record of everything you eat, and keep it accurate and comprehensive. Make a note of how much you eat, and when you eat it, as the body can burn calories at different rates at different times of day. Try to note down exact numbers of calories if you can. The weight loss graph and diary will allow you to analyse for yourself what is producing results and what is not.

Weight Loss Trick 3

Get rid of junk food. Junk food, or as some call it “fast” food, is riddled with empty, useless calories. Even eating this once a week will put a severe brake on your progress, as one meal of burger, fries and sugar laden drink can contain the same calories as you would get from three healthy meals. There is no way you can expect to lose weight by taking in an extra day's worth of calories every week, so the junk food should be cut out completely.

Weight Loss Trick 4

Set yourself a goal. It doesn't matter if the goal is modest, as some people only need to lose a small amount of weight. If you have a serious problem with obesity, as so many Americans sadly do, then do some research and find out what your optimum body weight should be. Even though that target may be a long way off, it will be achievable with solid, consistent effort. Everything is easier when there is a clear destination, and when a large goal is broken down into smaller ones.

You can use some simple but effective weight loss tricks to reach your target so much more easily. Take note of these weight loss tricks, because they will give you renewed hope, and a belief you can succeed. Click the links below to discover some more important weight loss tips.